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Parents with Toddlers

عام·81 Parents

Today from 3pm-4:15pm is a family dance at Delmar reformed church. Great for kids and adults of all ages. Hope to see you there!

1 مشاهدة

Hello Moms, I want to thank the people who gave me advice when I was trying to balance being a full-time mom

and a full-time student in college.

I am pleased share that I made the presidents list on top of getting a GPA of 3.50. I received a certificate and a link in my email pertaining to my college, noting my hard work in their news blog.

My professor from last semester called me out of nowhere and asked me if I wanted to teach her class of students on how to write a research paper efficiently. I can’t believe she picked me out of the whole class. I was pleased and honored. After I finished teaching the class, I didn’t know that she asked the students to show what they learned and according to her response, they learned a lot from what I taught them. It felt great…

1 مشاهدة


4 مشاهدات

Hello moms, recently in August I enrolled and was accepted back to college. I am a full-time student majoring in psychology, I started in September and I can say I am doing amazing and smarter than I actually thought I was being the fact that I have been out of school for a decade. It can get stressful but all I can imagine is a cap and gown with my kids showing them anything is possible. I am doing school online in the afternoon with zoom classes. One thing that I’ve found difficult is me trying to stay focused while the kids are running around ect. Would anyone know any tips on how to keep both of my daughters busy (ages 2 & 3) so I can manage my school work and show them attention at the same time?

Kyla Schmidt
Kyla Schmidt
Oct 16, 2024

You go girl!!! I love hearing about your journey- you’re brilliant 💖 I’d try to start a routine of quiet time. It takes a while to get the kids to understand it, but if you set an alarm with a specific song that goes off and means it’s quiet time, you can have a box of quiet time activities like books and crafts ready. You could even make a quiet time corner that’s cozy and set up for relaxing quiet activities. Using an alarm to start and end the time that’s a specific song helps!


This is a group for Parents with a child age 1 year-3 years


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