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All programs are self-serve. As soon as you sign up, you are good to go! 1. Become a member 2.Show up to a site when it is open 3. Grab the baby items you need Check the map below for hours and locations! Are you pregnant? Need parenting support, or something else? In the Programs & Membership tab, find the program you need. Follow the instructions for that program and we will talk soon!
الملف التعريفي
تاريخ الانضمام: ١٠ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤
0 {count, plural، =0 {إعجابات مستلمة} =1 {إعجابات مستلمة} other {إعجابات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {تعليقات مستلمة} =1 {تعليق مستلم} other {تعليقات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {أفضل الإجابات} =1 {أفضل إجابة} other {أفضل الإجابات} }
Hi my name is is Jeanette and I started this program after my daughter committed suicide I be came a grand mommy of.a boy name Ezra the Iove whith my life been 3 years his 6 now in this program I will like to thank you for the help they give me when I needed some clothes for him and I have a new phone so I did sign up back up Ezra is doing wonderful he graduated from first grade with High honors Roll something he has bad days because he how he found his mom but I talked to him and how much she loves him and looks at him from heaven and he smiles thanks for all the support ❤️
مزيد من الإجراءات
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